Ensuring kids in our community have every opportunity to grow up healthy, happy, and ready to take on the world!


Dental Assistance
Partnerships with local pediatric dentists allows IMPACT to offer subsidies to families who do not qualify for AHCCCS, and do not yet earn enough income to afford dental care for their children. A survey of our community showed a large number of children who had never visited a dentist, or had not been for several years. Dental issues give rise to other health issues, and effect concentration in the classroom.
Stretching family budgets and improving child health

Glasses for Children
A screening of thousands of children in the Copper Corridor of Pinal County, done by local Lions Club partners revealed 28% of high school students needed glasses and 17% of preschool and elementary children were in need. We partner to purchase glasses and complete eye exams for low income families: each child receives two pairs of glasses and an exam for only $69. We can also help with transportation to the appointment. If children qualify, we can help families get free glasses through AHCCCS instead.
Promoting success in school to help break the cycle of poverty

Monthly Books
Each month, a child can select a book from our rack in the Clothing Bank. Our goal is to get a dozen books into the hands of each child each year, to promote and support literacy and education. We also have books available in the lobby at Hawser St. We discovered that one year, 70% of the inbound kindergartners in a local school had never had a story read to them! Early introduction to books is critical in school success. We area always happy to get donations of children's books, so we can get them into the hands of potential young readers!
Stretching family budgets and promoting success in school

Children's Clothing
Our Loving Threads Clothing Bank supplies free clothing to families. We are always in need of gently used clothes and shoes for our youngsters because low income families tend to pass things down among siblings and neighbors. We often buy new underwear and socks for our children's department, and some groups sew and donate new clothing. It is especially exciting for all of us to get new items in summer as children begin to come in for back to school clothes.
Stretching family budgets

Baby Layettes and Other Needs
When a baby is born into our family, IMPACT provides a layette basket so each new mother, or new child has all the items needed to get off to a good start: new sleepers, blankets, bottles and pacifier, parenting book, diapers, and more, We also have parenting magazine subscriptions available, and formula and baby food through our Food Bank.
Stretching budgets and promoting appropriate developmental growth

Special Food Programs
During the summer, low income families who rely on free and reduced lunch programs at school struggle to feed their children and make ends meet. IMPACT will be providing MIMs (Might IMPACT Meal kits) through the Food Bank for families who are referred by school counselors and want to enroll for a weekly supplement for school ages kids over the summer months. We also provide or arrange occasional lunches for kids attending the summer Parks and Rec programs. Healthy snack ideas and recipes are also available in our Food Bank literature racks.
Stretching family budgets, providing nutritional education and supplemental summer feeding

Children's Museum Passes
In partnership with the Oro Valley Children's Museum, we give out free passes to our young children in the summer months. The museum's installations are designed to stimulate curiosity and leaning in our youngest community members. IMPACT sponsored the Farmer's Market installation, where children select realistic food from farm stands, weigh it, build sandwiches, and engage in other fun activities.
Supporting developmental development to improve school readiness and success

Summer Swimming
Each summer, thanks to partnerships with Pima County Parks and Recreation and the Foothills Marana Optimist Club, IMPACT is able to provide free pool passes to the Catalina pool (also good at any other Pima pool), new bathing suits for kids, swim lesson subsidies, and summer special events at the pool. It is also important to us that kids in Tucson learn how to swim and families learn pool safety, to prevent them from becoming one of the many SW summer drowning statistics. We encourage our families to engage their children in a variety of physical activities, for better health, and fun!
Stretching family budgets, promoting active lifestyles and teaching pool safety

Back to School Backpacks and Supplies
Each July we distribute more than 250 backpacks with supplies so students are prepared, and excited to head back to school. Different community partners help us fund and stuff the backpacks. Typically, each child has an opportunity to add something from a bin of additional supplies that appeals to them in particular, to make the backpack even more personal. Additional school supplies are available throughout the year as needed, or for those who move into our community after school begins.
Stretching family budgets

Academic School Enrichment Support
Coronado K-8 school in the heart of our community has a large population of low income families, so IMPACT provides each teacher an opportunity to be reimbursed, up to $135 each, for classroom academic enrichment supplies to be used year after year, building a resource library of sorts. Items include math manipulatives, new literature books, flashcards, science experiment materials, musical instruments, and more. IMPACT also funds a large share of the schools's comprehension reading program administered through the school library. Science and literacy programs are supported as well in other parts of our community.
Supporting local teachers, to improve success for children with a variety of learning styles and interests

Parenting Classes and Workshops
Throughout the year we partner with trained presenters to offer a variety of classes and workshops. Some of our past subjects have been: Parenting 2-6 Year Olds, Strengthening Families: Communicating with Teens, Tips for Managing Children with Autism and/or Hearing Impairments, Adult Relationship Strengthening. Contact Us if you are interested learning more about a particular topic, or are a provider with an informative class to share with our community.
Promoting healthy development and strong families

A Special THANK YOU To All Who Make These Programs Possible!
These youth programs are possible because of our many community partners, volunteers, and donors who fund us. We've all heard people comment that our children are our future; and, with your participation, we as a community will ensure they have a variety of resources and opportunities available to them: opportunities and advantages that will help break the cycle of poverty.