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Every Month We Give An IMPACT BAG To Each Household That Comes In For Help.
Each Bonus Bag Contains 8 Items Recommended By The USDA.
Peanut Butter and Cereal are the most important because they can be a quick simple meal for a senior or a child unable to cook. Canned meat can make a meal, or be added to the pasta or rice included to make a family meal. Canned tomato helps round out a one pot dish; and canned vegetables can be added, or served separately. Soup is always a great microwavable meal, and especially welcome in the cooler months.
Generous cash donors always provide enough funds each year to make it possible for us to buy the needed 500 jars of Peanut Butter and 500 boxes of Cereal each month. That means we have the 6000 jars and 6000 boxes covered for this year.
We are seeking businesses, clubs and organizations to help
round up 500 of the other items needed each month.
A Sponsor commits to covering one item for one month.
If you would like to sponsor more than one month, or one item,
you are certainly welcome to do so.
We truly appreciate the support our community members give us
in our mission to improve lives and inspire futures!
We can't do it alone - You make it all possible!
By agreeing to drop off 500 of an IMPACT BAG item for a particular month of the year, you will help us solve some major storage challenges, and insure that we always have enough food for those in need .
We will still hold food and toiletry drives every month, to fill our shopping shelves so families have an opportunity to select a few extra non-perishable items for their pantries, and hygiene and cleaning supplies. If we do have left over IMPACT Bag items, they will be added to the shopping shelves.

Choose an item from the chart.
Select an available month.
Submit the electronic sponsor form at the bottom of this page.
During the last week of the month prior to the one you selected, donate the 500 items to the IMPACT Food Bank in Catalina.
We will put your logo in the appropriate square on this chart when we receive your form, and your club or company name and logo will be displayed in the Food Bank to be sure everyone knows you are pitching in to fight hunger in our community that month. We will also post the info on Facebook, and give you a receipt and a plaque to hang in your business office.
Start by looking at the chart below!

Sponsor Form
Sponsor Chart

| Meat | Soup | Pasta | Tomato | Rice | Vegetables |
Gray squares and those with yellow and green dots are available for sponsorship.

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This could be your item!

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Open Opportunity!
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if a food item or month is available? There will be a company name and/or logo in the corresponding square, if someone has already reserved that opportunity.
Can I call you directly instead of using the website form? Yes, feel free to call and ask for our Food Bank Coordinator. She will be happy to help you, and answer any additional questions you may have.
Who will get the form I send, will I get a confirmation, and what is the next step? Our Food Bank Coordinator will reach out to you by email or phone to confirm your sponsorship within a day or two.
How do I get my logo to you? We can collect your logo from the Internet, or the Food Bank Coordinator will ask you to send it in a separate email.
Do all the items have to be the same brand or size? No, you can bring in a variety of brands, as long as the general item category is the same. We do ask that you try to keep the sizes similar, so all our clients receive essentially equal items. For example, most canned vegetables and tomatoes come in a nearly one pound can at 14-16 ounces, and that is our preferred distribution size. We prefer rice and pasta packaged in one pound boxes or bags as well. Canned meat is usually packaged 5-8 ounces, but you may bring a variety such as tuna, chicken, hash, Spam, etc... Vegetables and soups will typically be varied too.
What are some easy ways to collect the food? Businesses often hold a drive and collect food from staff and customers, then purchase the difference if needed. Clubs have members bring items to a meeting, or hold a drive in their community for added exposure. If you select a month that is far off, you can gather over time, but will need to be aware of any pending expiration dates in your collection. Some groups prefer to collect money from constituents, arrange to have our Food Bank Coordinator order from a market, and meet her there on the pick-up day to pay for it. That is an easy option for many businesses, so our Coordinator will be happy to discuss details in a follow up conversation, if that is of interest.
Can we just send you a check for the food? The way our annual budget works makes this complicated. Once we set our budget, we do not change it, and we tend to budget the general food bank donations to cover the 6000 jars of peanut butter, 6000 boxes of cereal, and our Thanksgiving Dinner Kit giveaway in November. We do this because peanut butter and cereal are the more expensive items that the public tends not to donate as readily. Each year we budget to purchase some of the food we distribute, and budget to bring the rest in through food drives. Over time, as we settle into this new system and follow IMPACT Bag sponsorship trends, we may be able to add this option.
Can we donate bulk product such as 50 pound bags of rice? Though it would seem to make sense to donate in bulk, it creates quite a bit of work, and additional cost, for us at the Food Bank. We are required to repackage bulk food under strict health department food safety regulations which require us to purchase special food grade bags, print labels for each bag including: manufacturer and their contact info, ingredients, and cooking directions; and it has to be done under verified commercial kitchen conditions.
When do we deliver the food to you? We will ask you to drop off the food during the last week of the month prior to the one you are sponsoring, to give us time to process and bag the items. You will deliver the 500 items to the IMPACT Food Bank in Catalina at 3535 E Hawser Street, or make arrangements with our Food Bank Coordinator to have them picked up. We have an easy drive-up drop-off door at the back of the building, and volunteers and staff who will be happy to meet and help you.
Will we receive a receipt for our donation? Yes, you will receive a receipt from us, for your donation. If you have a group of individuals pooling money to make a purchase, we can give you a receipt for the total, and you can share a copy of it with your employees or members noting the percentage of their contribution. We can help you organize this if needed, or provide several receipts if your group is small.
What were the Sponsorship perks offered? We know the key to our success is in the community partnerships that allow us to provide so many wonderful services and opportunities to our clients, so always want to go the extra mile to share our appreciation and to let the community know you work with us because you too are committed to improving lives and inspiring futures. We want everyone to know you are pitching in to fight hunger in our community!
Your logo will remain on our IMPACT Bag Sponsorship page of this website throughout the year, and we will have a space next year noting past sponsors.
Your logo will be included on signage at the Food Bank customer service desk as one of the six sponsors for that month's IMPACT Bag.
The info will also be posted on our Facebook page.
You will receive a plaque to hang in your business office.
What if I still have questions? Feel free to use the form on this page to send questions to us.
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