Community Need
Thousands of families in Southern Arizona are just getting by at various levels of stability, making less than $20K a year. Many are lacking the resources and confidence to successfully reach an improved quality of life on their own.
Our Response
IMPACT's Moving People FORWARD initiative will provide people with career training and employment in high-demand fields with earnings starting at $40-50K per year AND together, we can do it in less than six months! Our new Client Advocate will work with our families to help them identify individual challenges and goals. Clients will also be supported by a new corps of Community Navigators; specially trained volunteers who will mentor and assist each family to connect with our community partners every step of the way!
Be Part of this Innovative Solution to Poverty!
Join other funders by donating to this life-altering program! If you are looking for other ways to get involved, become a community navigator, host a workshop, offer an internship, enroll in our employer network or become an IMPACT Bag Partner.
IMPACT really is much more than just a Food Bank!
Our numerous programs, including our incredible food and clothing banks, stabilize families, stretch their household budgets and improve overall well-being by reducing stress.
Our exciting new partnership with Pima Community College, other educators, foundations and donors like you, allow us to help countless families move forward! We are confident we have the ability to do this through collaboration with, and support from our many community partners and transitional services; including minor car repairs, professional wardrobe, access to job resources, bus passes, nutritional education and even a phone if needed! With your investment, together we can build capacity for this initiative, helping people now and for years to come! You can be confident that your tax credit gift will create a ripple of change in people’s lives!
Sample Career Paths
• Emergency Medical Technology
• Automotive Technology
• Cybersecurity / IT
• Building / Construction Technology
• Automated Industrial Technology
• Caregiving
• Landscaping
• Food & Beverage Management
• Golf Course Management
• Certified Nursing Assistant
• Assisted Living Caregiver
• Assisted Living Manager
Employment Partners
Pima Community College
Academy of Caregiving Excellence
SaddleBrooke Human Resources Office
Pima County One-Stop
Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce
Primavera & More!

Together we can take a family from surviving to thriving!
Our holistic approach is needed for each individual’s transition. There are many elements that affect success such as reliable transportation and money management skills. Keeping the job is as important as landing one. We will provide key workshops and other vital resources after employment, to help clients reach their goals and adapt to their new social culture.