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Pledge to Help in December!
Pledge to Drop Off Food (or toiletries) in December
Thank You for Helping us Meet the Demand!
Consider a donation of food or toiletries
Any kind of food donation helps! Fresh produce, frozen meat, and dairy are stored in the refrigeration part of our food bank and packaged by volunteers; but clients also have a special self-shopping space where they select the general longer-life panty items that you and I love to keep on our own shelves: cereal, canned fruits and vegetables, soups, ramen, crackers, jams, rice, pasta, marinara sauce, boxed side dishes, baking ingredients, Bisquick, syrup, honey, ketchup, mustard, pickles, tea, coffee, spices and more.
Each month, the IMPACT food bank serves more than 2400 individuals. A family selects one item for each member of their household from one set of pantry shelves, so we go through 2400 food items each month!
In this space they can tailor their distribution to fit the likes and health needs of their family; gluten free, vegan, spicy, plain, heart and diabetes appropriate, etc...
Food Stamps cannot be spent on toiletries and hygiene needs, so we have another shelf from which clients take home 1200 of these items each month (ie: toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, soap, razors, shaving cream) as well as another 1200 household items such as laundry or dishwashing detergent, window cleaner, Comet, and other cleaning products. If you are interested in Toiletries and household items, a great place to shop is the Dollar Tree where all items are $1.25 these days.